Tricksters Netz / Trickster’s Net

Are you interested in fantasy roleplaying games like Dungeons and Dragons?

Would you like to play, design and publish one?

Do you like speaking English?

Are you aged between 16-21?

If so, then this is your chance to take part in an exciting digital tabletop gaming project between Kempten and Wales (UK) that begins at the end of May.

eine deutsche Zusammenfassung findst du hier

We are looking for 16 motivated young people who live in Kempten to link up with contemporaries in Wales and become Junior Creatives in this unique online project.

For a few hours every two weeks, you will dig deep into the magic of tabletop roleplay games and, ultimately, help create one. The group will journey through and develop an originalfantasy game world that has been turned upside-down by the Great Trickster.

As a Junior Creative, you will receive a co-author credit and a nominal financial reward for taking part.

You will get to:

  • Adventure through the multidimensional world of Tricksters Netz, facing challenging enemies and developing the story through play.
  • Meet other players from across Wales and Germany, forging a new community of international gamers.
  • Learn a new game system, take the reins for a session and develop the skills to become a Games Master.
  • Learn to use free online tools like Roll20 and Discord to roll your dice and make your sessions pop with awesome visuals and effects.
  • Learn from professional game designers and artists in our industry round table events.
  • Design your own elements of the world, becoming a co-author of the final published campaign material, potentially taking your first step in a game industry career.


Apply Here

We are looking for diversity, creativity, motivation and a good level of English. Gaming experience is good, but not essential. We look forward to hearing from you! And we will be in touch with you once we’ve made our selection.


Wichtiger Hinweis: Wir (Stadtjugendring Kempten k.d.ö.R.) leiten die unten eingetragenen Daten an unseren Kooperationspartner für eine Kontaktaufnahme weiter.


6 + 8 =

Further information and Frequently Asked Questions

What is Tricksters Netz?
  • Tricksters Netzor Trickster’s Net in English – is an international roleplay game (RPG) exchange design projectbetween young people in Kempten and Wales, UK. It is co-funded by Stadt Kempten and Wales Arts International and run in association with Stadtjugendring Kempten, Criw Celf/Arts Active, PlayFrame and Loco Ludus.


  • Through a series of online sessions, participants will be playing and collaboratively creating and designing the world of the Trickster’s Net roleplay game; a product that we will publish free online at the end of the project.
What is a roleplay game?

A roleplay game is a type of collaborative adventure story game usually played on a tabletop or online. It mixes storytelling, game mechanics and character development. Players decide and narrate the choices made by their own Player Character (PC) in the story. One player in each session is the Games Master (GM), and their job is to narrate the story world and design challenges the PCs must overcome.

What do I get for being a participant?

With the online publication of the Tricksters Netz game material at the end of the project you will become one of its co-authors. You will also receive a nominal financial reward of 50 Euros for your contributions.

How many participants will be involved?
  • We are looking for 32 young people to become Junior Creatives on the project; 16 from Kempten and 16 from Wales, UK.
  • You will be assigned to a group of 4 (2 young people from Kempten, 2 from Wales).
How much time will this project take?
  • Each group of 4 (see above) will play a 2 hour game session every 2 weeks, between the end of May and the end of September. We aim for the sessions to be on Tuesdays or Thursdays in the late afternoon or early evening.
  • Every 2 two weeks there will also be a 1-2 hour worldbuilding session on a Saturday morning, where everyone involved gets together to discuss and develop the project.
  • Altogether, this amounts to roughly 3-4 hours every 2 weeks.
What is expected of me?
  • You are expected to actively take part in as many sessions as possible (90%+). Failure to attend sessions may result in not receiving the end of project rewards outlined above.
  • For one game session you will be expected to lead the story for one adventure and become Game Master for your group. A reasonable amount of your own time should be put aside to prepare for this, but we will be providing support along the way to help you run a successful session.
  • You will have to agree to and abide by our Code of Conduct to ensure the project is a safe-space for everyone, and everyone’s rights are respected.
Do I need anything to participate?
  • Yes, being an online project you will need reasonably good internet access (15-25 Mbps), a computer/laptop or other appropriate device to go online, and an email address.
  • Ideally you will also have the following:
    • A headphone microphone and webcam for easy and engaging online communication.
    • A screen that you can display, read and edit a form-fillable pdf character sheet, or the ability to print one off. And a pencil!
    • 2 or 3 six-sided dice and somewhere to roll them.
What online platforms will the project use?

Deutsche Zusammenfassung des Projektes


In Tricksters Netz tauchen 16 Menschen aus Wales und 16 Menschen aus Kempten gemeinsam in die wunderbare Phantasiewelt eines Rollenspiels ab. In diesem Rollenspiel-Design-Austauschprojekt schaffen sie zwischen Mai und Oktober 2021 gemeinsam eine Spielwelt, die sie selbst entwickeln und spielen.


Am Ende des Projekts wird das Spielmaterial kostenlos und online unter einer Creative Commons-Lizenz veröffentlicht. Alle Teilnehmer werden als Mitautoren genannt und erhalten eine kleine finanzielle Belohnung. Der Zeitaufwand beträgt 3-4 Stunden pro zwei Wochen. Das Projekt ist eine großartige Chance für junge Leute, ihre Englischkenntnisse mit Muttersprachlern zu verfeinern und weiter zu entwickeln.


Das Projekt wird von der Stadt Kempten und der walisischen Einrichtung ‚Wales Arts International’ kofinanziert und in Zusammenarbeit mit dem Stadtjugendring Kempten, Criw Celf (in Wales), PlayFrame and Loco Ludus durchgeführt.